Acasă 2015 august

Arhive Lunare: august 2015

Jubileum regal în Marea Britanie pe 10 septembrie 2015. God Save the Queen !

Monarhul britanic cu cea mai lungă domnie (surclasând-o pe regina Victoria care și-a sărbătorit Jubileul de Diamant în 1897) la 10 septembrie 2015 la...

Marea Britanie: Ministrul de interne susține limitarea liberei circulații în UE doar pentru cei...

Ministrul britanic de Interne, Theresa May, cere ca libera circulație a personaleor în cadrul UE să fie limitată la cei care au loc de...

The Guardian : Romania’s media haunted by communism and dominated by capitalism

Study illustrates the difficulty of developing press freedom in eastern Europe. Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta; charged with with fraud, tax evasion and money...

Preston raids: Romanians held in human trafficking inquiry

Three Romanian nationals have been arrested in Preston on suspicion of trafficking people into the United Kingdom for sexual exploitation. An address in Longworth Street...

Cotidianul britanic The Sun despre o banda de rromi din Romania : We’re coming...

A GANG of Romanian thieves and beggars told last night how they can’t wait to move to Britain for an “easy” life of crime. ...

Two men from Romania were given suspended jail sentences after being spotted by police...

Amazing footage of an articulated lorry being driven the wrong way along the carriageway of a Midlands Motorway has been released. Staffordshire Police has revealed...
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