Churches in Scurtesti in souteastern Romania packed with terrified locals
Gina Mihai, 34, is told by fortune-teller message means grandmother needs to be prayed for
Romanians give food to poor once a year at service of alms for the dead
Miss Mihai hasn’t given food for three years which is why she received the spooky message
The churches in Scurtesti in souteastern Romania have been packed after a local woman claimed that her dead grandmother’s ghost had taken over her mobile and used it to send a ‘selfie’ from the other side.
‘When I switched the phone on I was horrified to see my dead grandmother’s face,’ said Gina Mihai, 34. ‘She had what looked like a snake around her neck, and the whole image looked as if it had been taken through a hole, like it was shot through a tear in the fabric that separates the living from the dead.
‘I took it to a fortune-teller who told me that my grandmother was sending me a message from the other side, the snake around her neck was a symbol of the fact that she was being punished in the other life for some sin.