Primarul orasului Liverpool din Marea Britanie, Gary Millar a venit in Romania pentru DENTIST

Primarul orasului Liverpool din Marea Britanie, Gary Millar a venit in Romania, insa nu pentru a se intalni cu autoritatile romane, pentru a incheia acorduri de colaborare, ci a venit din motive personale.


Primarul din Liverpool a venit in Romania pentru DENTIST. Gary Millar a fost atras de preturile mici si de expertiza medicilor stomatologi romani.

„Doar în România puteam primi atenţia unui chirurg, a unui dentist, a unui tehnician, a unui inginer care să lucreze împreună. În Liverpool sau în Anglia trebuie să aştepţi şi să aştepţi şi să cheltui mult mai mulţi bani”, a declarat Gary Millar.

„A fost o lucrare destul de amplă, s-au făcut coroane integral ceramice pe toţi dinţii”, a precizat medicul Mihai Dascălu.

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INEDIT. Primarul orasului Liverpool, in Romania. Ce l-a adus aici




Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Great Britain, Gary Millar came to Romania, but not to meet Romanian authorities to sign any collaboration agreements but out of personal reasons. Attracted as many other foreigners by the low cost of dental care, compared to that of other countries, but also by the expertise of Romanian dentists, Gary Millar came to seek dental services. The dental services cost him five times less than in the UK.

Millar travelled approximately 3,000 kilometres from Liverpool to Pitesti, to have perfect teeth for low cost. The work was not exactly easy. The Mayor was forced to make several journeys to Romania, so that he could expose perfect teeth.

“Only in Romania I can benefit of the attention of a surgeon, of a technician and of an engineer working together. In Liverpool or in the rest of England you must wait and spend much more money”, Gary Millar declared quoted by Realitatea TV.

“I thought that I have never been in Romania, that I did not know what to expect, and I came. And it was nice, friendly, and the most important, the dental services are exceptional”, Millar added.

Former Lord Mayor of Liverpool attended dental care in …


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