Un român care a recunoscut că face parte dintr-o grupare suspectată de fraude cu carduri estimate la trei milioane de lire sterline, vizând cel puţin 9.000 de potenţiale victime, a fost condamnat la închisoare cu suspendare, provocând nemulţumire.
Potrivit publicaţiei britanice Express, Leonid Rotaru, în vârstă de 32 de ani, împotriva căruia era aşteptată să fie pronunţată o pedeapsă "disuasivă", după ce a recunoscut apartenenţa la o grupare ce comitea fraude prin metoda "skimming", prin care se utilizează dispozitive ce copiază datele cardurilor bancare folosite ulterior pentru retragerea de numerar de la bancomate, a fost condamnat de un judecător la 18 luni de închisoare cu suspendare timp de doi ani.
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Român condamnat în Marea Britanie la închisoare cu suspendare …
Romanian Man Admits Participating in ATM Fraud Scheme, 9,000 Cards Compromised
2-year-old Leonid Rotaru from Romania was apprehended by British authorities just as he was removing a card reader from an ATM. After raiding his home, police found the details of 9,000 credit cards that could have been utilized to steal £3.2 million ($5.1 million or 3.9 million EUR).
Based on the equipment he used and the large amount of information found on the man’s computer, police believe that Rotaru is part of a well-organized criminal ring, the Daily Mail reports.
Law enforcement authorities were called in to inspect an ATM at a Tesco store in Somerset, which customers reported as being suspicious. Luckily for them, that was the exact moment when Rotaru returned to remove the skimming device, so they arrested him.
According to the details provided by the investigators, there’s nothing out of the ordinary about the skimming device, except for the fact that it was of higher quality. It came with a pinhole camera designed to record the ATM’s keypad as customers entered their PINs.
Rotaru pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud and possession of skimming devices.