Acasă 2013 august

Arhive Lunare: august 2013

Begging is illegal in the country but police are powerless to stop it

How a Roma invasion sparked the rise of France's racist Right as gangs running riot and an explosion of crime prompted revenge attacks...

Tonight: Coming to the UK?

On 1 January 2014 the labour market in Britain will open up to Romania and Bulgaria, meaning anyone from either country can come...

Ce le pregăteşte Guvernul britanic migranţilor din UE?

Guvernul britanic a primit un set de propuneri în vederea reducerii migraţiei din Uniunea Europeană, cum ar fi restricţionarea mobilităţii forţei...

Romanian woman in coma after M3 crash

A WOMAN is fighting for her life after being thrown from a minibus that had careered across three lanes of the busy M3.  A 63-year-old...
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