Acasă 2014 ianuarie

Arhive Lunare: ianuarie 2014

Victor Spirescu, singurul român care a „invadat” Marea Britanie, şi-a găsit un nou loc...

După ce şi-a părăsit vechiul job din cauza scandalurilor din tabloide, Victor Spirescu şi-a găsit un nou loc de muncă. Victor...

UK immigration: only two dozen Romanians have arrived since January 1, says ambassador

Only a handful of Romanians have arrived in the UK in first two weeks since border controls were lifted, according to...

HALF of all convicted pickpockets on the Tube are Romanian (and officials say the...

Of the 170 convictions between 2012 and 2013 52 per cent were Romanian Britons were also guilty of stealing from fellow train passengers Home Office says...

Victor Spirescu, imigrantul român devenit celebru în Marea Britanie, a dispărut fără urmă

Romanian quits after just one day washing cars: Migrant who was greeted by Keith Vaz at Luton airport has now vanished, say...

Express: Romanians coming to work in Britain can AVOID paying tax in UK

ROMANIANS and Bulgarians coming to work in Britain can avoid paying UK tax thanks to European Union (EU) rules, it emerged today. EU rules...

The Telegraph: Romanians will pay more tax than British ‘natives’

Bulgarian and Romanian migrants are likely to pay more taxes and make a greater contribution to the economy than British...

Victor Spirescu, primul român ajuns în Marea Britanie la muncă în 2014, a fost...

Victor Spirescu, românul care a ajuns vedetă în Marea Britanie, ca fiind primul imigrant român sosit în Marea Bitanie la 1 ianuarie pentru...

Why the Tories have more in common with the Romanians than they think

It's a sweet irony that Margaret Thatcher is the heroine both of some of those who wish to come here and many of...

The Telegraph: No wonder Romanians haven’t rushed to Britain

SIR – I recently rode through Transylvania dressed as Dracula, on a Ural motorbike with a sidecar made of a...

Daily Mail : ‘Immigration should be cut’: Three in four Briton’s want more restrictions...

A week after restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants arriving in the UK were lifted, a new survey has revealed that more...
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