Tanarul bacauan care a inghitit o furculita a devenit vedeta in Marea Britanie, dupa ce povestea sa a aparut in Daily Mail
Conform relatarilor din tabloidul britanic, Radu Calincescu spune ca, dupa ce s-a prezentat la Spitalul Judetean Bacau si s-a descoperit ca a inghitit tacamul de metal, medicii ar fi refuzat sa-l opereze, spunandu-i ca n-au timp de asta si sa astepte sa elimine furculita pe cale naturala.Conducerea Spitalului Judetean Bacau nu a comentat, deocamdata, aceste acuzatii.
Doctors have refused to operate on a Romanian man who has a fork stuck in his throat after swallowing it for a bet.
Radu Calincescu, 25, complained to doctors of pain and an uncomfortable feeling when he swallowed, but neglected to mention that he had also swallowed a fork earlier in the day.
It was only when the doctors in Bacau County carried out an X-ray that they found the metal fork lodged inside his esophagus.
– See more at: http://www.desteptarea.ro/cazul-bacauanului-care-a-inghitit-o-furculita-a-ajuns-in-presa-britanica/?utm_source=Bacaul.ro&utm_medium=pbfd&utm_campaign=Bacaul.ro#sthash.NTwKeHXk.dpuf