O romanca, dupa gratii in Marea Britanie – se folosea de frumusetea ei pentru jafuri

Jail for Romanian crook in UK border shambles

A Romanian crook who exposed shambolic UK immigration controls by fleeing the country and returning while a warrant was out for her arrest has been jailed for nine months.

O tanara din Romania a fost condamnata la noua luni de inchisoare in Marea Britanie, dupa ce autoritatile au descoperit ca ea a fost implicata in mai multe furturi. Cu toate ca pe numele ei fusese emis un mandat de arestare, femeia a reusit sa vina in Romania si sa se intoarca inapoi in Regatul Unit.

Judecatorii britanici au precizat ca Nicoleta Bala, in varsta de 28 de ani, ajuta un grup de infractori sa jefuiasca oamenii, tintele preferate fiind barbatii mai in varsta, scrie The Express.

Bala, fiind o femeie foarte frumoasa, le distragea atentia batranilor care voiau sa scoata bani de la bancomate, in timp ce infractorii observau codul PIN, iar apoi le furau cardurile si sustrageau diverse sume de pe acestea.

Romani condamnati in Marea Britanie, dupa ce s-au deghizat in politisti si au jefuit straini

Pe numele tinerei a fost emis un mandat de arestare in urma cu cateva luni, fiind chiar retinuta de politisti, insa fata a reusit sa scape, sa plece din Marea Britanie si sa mearga in Romania inainte de a fi condamanta la inchisoare.

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O romanca, dupa gratii in Marea Britanie – se folosea de frumusetea

The case of Nicoleta Bala, who lured elderly men for a gang of pickpockets, had prompted a furious judge to describe Britain’s borders as “like a sieve”.

The attractive east European acted as bait to distract victims who were targeted at cashpoints.

Accomplices, who had already watched the men enter their PIN numbers, then stole their bank cards. She was arrested but then went on the run and returned to Romania.

When she was picked up at Folkestone ferry terminal in Kent last May, the shocking truth emerged that she had entered and left the UK twice before without being spotted.

The revelations at Lincoln Crown Court court last December provoked Judge Sean Morris to say: “Something has to be done. This is something the police at a senior level, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice are going to have to take up. You can get in and out of this country. The borders are like a sieve.”

Bala, 28, from Leicester, had admitted two distraction offences against 82-year-old men in Grantham, Lincolnshire, and Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, in 2008.

Judge Morris waited until he had seen her criminal record from Romania before sentencing her last Friday. They showed she had no previous convictions. But he rejected Bala’s plea to be spared jail because she had given birth to her first child.


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