Cotidianul britanic The Mirror lauda Transilvania „magnifica”: Orase medievale scoase din basme

Tabloidul britanic The Mirror publica un articol turistic in care autorul lauda Transilvania si se arata impresionat si de Bucuresti.

Chris Garnet scrie ca, mergand pe urmele lui Vlad Tepes, ajungi in orasele medievale scoase direct din basme.

„Ar fi putut fi Renania sau Bavaria in Germania – dar eram in Romania si aceasta era Transilvania” povesteste el, descriind coloristica medievala si arhitectura renascentista.
„Transilvania a fost odata pe marginile salbatice ale Europei” mai spune el.

Autorul mentioneaza excursia care a inceput din capitala Romaniei, despre care spune ca „debordeaza de energie”. „Am trecut de la tineri de 20 si ceva de ani band bere sub un copac la urmele de gloante de pe fostul sediu al Partidului Comunist”.

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Magnificent Transylvania will take you through what was once the wild edges of Europe

Transylvania: The medieval Old Town of Sighisoara

I wandered through cobblestone streets, dazzled by the colourful medieval and renaissance architecture, the citadels on the hillsides looking down, picture-perfectly framed by the forested mountain standing tall behind.

It could have been Germany’s Rhineland or Bavaria – but I was in Romania and this was Transylvania.

Nestled amongst the peaks and plains of the Carpathian Mountains, Transylvania was once on the wild edges of Europe.

For over 900 years it was under the rule of the Hungarians and Austrians, colonised by Germans, settled by Roma gypsies, and only unifying with Romania after the First World War.

I finally got the chance to visit this fascinating country on a road trip with my father and son which began in Bucharest.

The Romanian capital had been a revelation.
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