A hotel manager described as a ‘real-life Basil Fawlty’ was captured on CCTV slapping a balding foreign waiter before dragging him across the lobby and throwing him out of the hotel.
Robert Hardman, 54, flew into a rage when former employee, Romanian-born Sorin Paraschiv, came back to the hotel to claim £800 in past wages after he left his job weeks earlier.
Hardman, who runs the three-star Plough Hotel in Northampton, was caught on CCTV pushing him under the front desk and slapping him around the face and head.
oare pateste ceva?
Nul ajuta nimeni ? Avocati?
A fost condamnat la 18 luni cu suspendare, 180 de ore de munca in folosul comunitatii, £1.751 victimei si £250 cheltuieli de judecata.
Daca va uitati la stire pe site-urile britanice, toate comentariile exprima dispret pentru Hardman si stupefactie in fata pedepsei blande pe care i-a dat-o instanta.