Acasă 2014

Arhive Anuale: 2014

Cotidianul britanic Daily Mail : Romanian migrant boasts handouts from the UK have helped...

My £60,000 in benefits helped build my house: Scandal: Ion Lazer, outside his house in Romania which he is rebuilding with money taken in...

Recomandam :) Mircea Dinescu * Ediţie speciala Editie filmata la Londra, unde Mircea Dinescu...

Cu Mircea Dinescu * Ediţie special Editie filmata la Londra, unde Mircea Dinescu s-a întâlnit şi a gătit pentru Baroneasa Emma Nicholson si Jonathan...

Capitanul care l-a împușcat pe Ceaușescu, dezvăluiri în The Guardian: Încă sunt neliniștit. Sunt...

‘I’m still nervous,’ says soldier who shot Nicolae Ceausescu Paratrooper Ionel Boyeru volunteered for a mystery mission, only to discover it was the execution of...

Victor Ponta s-a intalnit cu fostul premier britanic Tony Blair: „Am vorbit despre ce...

Fostul premier britanic, Tony Blair, s-a intalnit vineri dimineata, cu prim-ministrul Romaniei, Victor Ponta, la Palatul Victoria. Premierul Ponta spune ca a discutat cu Tony...

Dozens of romanian migrants queuing outside builder’s warehouse in London hoping to be offered...

As temperatures hovered at around 3C this morning, residents in a north London suburb were waking up to get ready for work. But already gathered...

Premierul Marii Britanii i-a trimis o scrisoare lui Iohannis. Ce a răspuns preşedintele ales

David Cameron, premierul Marii Britanii, i-a trimis o scrisoare de felicitare preşedintelui ales al României, Klaus Iohannis. Conţinutul scrisorii nu a fost făcut public,...

Florin Piersic Jr vine în premieră la Londra cu un one man show extraordinar!

Poveşti spuse-n româneşte, seria de spectacole de teatru care i-a adus la Londra în 2014 pe Horaţiu Mălăele, Vlad Zamfirescu și Florin Piersic, continuă...

Romanian people trafficker smuggled prostitutes into Britain by exploiting loophole that saw them brought...

Alex Mandache (circled top right), investigated over allegations he had taken girlfriend Mariana Lungu to the UK before forced her into prostitution. He is...

Dashing Soprano Teodora Gheorghiu in London for the National Day of Romania

04/12/2014 @ The Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8PH We are thrilled to announce that the star of our National Day Gala Recital...

The Box – short film about the presidential elections in Romania in 2016 Hello everybody, After the event from November the 2nd 2014 ( the first tour of presidential elections in Romania) we, the team from Cloud9film wanted to...
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