Cristian David: Românii se duc în Marea Britanie să muncească, nu să apeleze la beneficii sociale

Românii se vor duce în Marea Britanie să muncească şi să plătească impozite, nu să stea cu burta la soare şi să apeleze la beneficii sociale, a declarat, joi, ministrul delegat pentru românii de pretutindeni, Cristian David, în contextul ridicării restricţiilor pe piaţa muncii de la 1 ianuarie 2014. Ministrul Cristian David nu crede că va exista un val de muncitori români în Marea Britanie. "Cu siguranţă, nu, nu va exista un asemenea val masiv, pentru că nu este posibil din punct de vedere practic, nu este nici măcar din punct de vedere al motivaţiei o destinaţie de urmărit cu interes de marea majoritate a lucrătorilor români din afară", a declarat ministrul delegat, la RFI, potrivit
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Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Cristian David on visit to London


Press release



Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Cristian David was on a visit to London on 18 – 20 October 2013, to attend the 6th Conference of Romanian Students, Professors and Researchers in the United Kingdom.

In his opening address, the Romanian official spoke of the Romanian Government’s demarches to identify the best solutions to the difficulties Romanians encounter in countries of residence, and called on the Romanian communities abroad to muster their creative resources to this end. The Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad invited the Romanian students and professors attending the conference to join in the Romanian state’s efforts to improve how this country is perceived abroad. The Romanian official recalled that one of the priorities of his mandate is related to respect for the cultural, linguistic and spiritual identity, rights and values of the Romanians and underscored the major role of education in preserving the unity of language and culture of the diaspora.

The Minister Delegate then turned to the importance of intercultural dialogue, which is a necessary exercise  serving to assert a positive identity profile of the Romanian communities in the UK, while the visibility of Romanian values is rather low among the public in the country of destination.

“I am impressed with your performance, with your work and the huge contribution you are making to changing the country’s image,” said Minister Delegate Cristian David at the end of his address at the opening of the 6th Conference of Romanian Students, Professors and Researchers in the UK.

In his turn, Bill Rammell, Vice-Chancellor and Executive Director of the University of Bedfordshire said that students from Eastern Europe and from Romania, in particular, perform remarkably in respect of their studies. In the UK, he said, there are about 6000 Romanian students, who boast some of the best records throughout their studies.

The conference in London was attended by the Ambassador of Romania to the United Kingdom, Dr. Ion Jinga, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bedfordshire, Bill Rammel, the Executive Director of the Council of Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Anne Marie Martin, the President of the Ratiu Foundation, Nicolae Ratiu, the representative of the Global Romanian Society of Young Professionals (GRASP), representatives of eight Romanian student associations in Britain, as well as rectors of prestigious British universities, representatives of the British academic and cultural milieus and of the Romanian-British business community.

The 6th Conference of Romanian Students, Professors and Researchers in the United Kingdom was organized under the patronage of Romania’s Embassy in the UK, of the Romanian-British Chamber of Commerce and the Ratiu Foundation, and was hosted by the Embassy of Romania and the Romanian Society of York University.

The program of the London visit of the Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Cristian David also included a meeting with the president of GRASP, Radu Tatucu, a framework protocol on collaboration being signed on the occasion. The document is aimed at enhancing the positive impact and the scope of the transfer of knowledge between young Romanian professionals in the diaspora and those back at home, in a way likely to help the development of Romania. The partnership aims at long-term collaboration between the signatories.

“This partnership is governed by common values that are fundamental in facilitating the transfer of knowledge between and in the communities of the diaspora and in Romania: professionalism, integrity, leadership, innovation and authenticity,” the Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad noted.

At the end of the visit, the Romanian official attended a religious service at St. Dunstan‑in‑the‑West Church.


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