Cei doi români au fost prinsi furând din magaziul John Lewis, din centrul comercial Bluewater. Ambii purtau pe sub hainele obisnuite costume de baie pentru femei special croite pentru a sustine obiectele furate
Românii sustin ca nu se cunosc.
Two Romanians allegedly caught shoplifting in the same store on the same day and at the same time were both wearing women’s swimwear but neither knew each other, a court heard.
Cele două cazuri au fost prezentate judecătorului Jeremy Carey de la tribunalul din Maidstone Crown. Judecatorul a ascultat depozitiile celor doi infractori români, iar cînd acestia au declarat ca nu se cunosteau înainte de începerea procedurilor penale împotriva lor, a remarcat că trebuie să fie vorba de o „coincidență extraordinară”.
Vlad Codreanu, 30 de ani, neagă furtul de îmbrăcăminte din magazinul John Lewis, din centrul Bluewater. Valentine Craciun, 36 de ani, deasemenea neagă furtul de îmbrăcăminte cu aceeași ocazie.
În timpul audierilor separate, procurorul Tim Starkey a declarat: „S-ar părea acești doi bărbați au comis furturi în același magazin, în aceeași zi și în același timp, și chiar purtînd acelasi tip de costume de baie femeiesti. Fantastic ! ”
Codreanu a susținut mai târziu că îsi pusese costumul de baie deoarece îi era frig, iar Crăciun a spus ca purta costumul pentru că suferă de dureri de spate.
SURSA : Kentonline.co.uk
Two Romanian men were allegedly caught shoplifting in John Lewis, Bluewater, while wearing ladies’ swimwear
Two Romanians allegedly caught shoplifting in the same store on the same day and at the same time were both wearing women’s swimwear but neither knew each other, a court heard.
The two cases came before Judge Jeremy Carey at Maidstone Crown Court and when told that neither man knew each other before the start of the criminal proceedings against them, he remarked that it must have been an “extraordinary coincidence”.
He also heard that both men had „commuted” from their homeland for the court hearings.
Vlad Codreanu, 30, denies theft of clothing from John Lewis at Bluewater on October 28 last year.
Valentine Craciun, 36, denies theft of clothing and going equipped for theft on the same occasion. It is alleged he was found with magnetic detaggers.
During separate plea and case management hearings, prosecutor Tim Starkey said: “It would appear these two men were shoplifting in the same store on the same day and at the same time and both wearing ladies’ swimming costumes. That is the Crown’s case.”
Codreanu later claimed he was wearing the swimwear because he feels the cold, while Craciun said he suffers from a bad back.
more : http://www.kentonline.co.uk/dartford/news/romanian-men-were-wearing-ladies-92616/